This absolute necessity is none other than CyberSecurity.
In today’s world, cybersecurity has never been more critical.
A cyberattack can disrupt a company or bankrupt it. Cyber threats lurk around every corner, making understanding the fundamentals of CyberSecurity more important😤.
CyberSecurity is built on three core principles: CIA; Confidence, Integrity, and Availability.
These principles are even more important in the grand scheme of life. A friend who is not confidential lacks integrity, and a friend who is always unavailable😂 won’t be seen as a good friend.
My first course and module as a fellow in the CyberSafe Foundation introduced me to the foundational knowledge of safeguarding digital systems from potential threats.
In the course, I explored risk management, data protection, and common cyber threats while also learning about network security, encryption, access control, and incident response.
I have come a long way and will continue to go further😁. I want you to join me on my cybersecurity journey.